When to consider care for a friend or family member

Making the decision to transition someone dear to you into long-term care or retirement care is never easy. As difficult as this decision might be, sometimes it is necessary for ensuring your loved one receives the best possible care and are in an environment where they have the right support system to thrive. Unsure whether it’s the right time to consider care for a friend or family member? Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Feeling constantly stressed or overwhelmed
    Taking care of a loved one can be fulfilling in many ways, but can come with a number of responsibilities that can get difficult to manage along with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Not to mention, the more stressed or overwhelmed you become about the situation, the harder it’ll be to adequately care for your loved one. If you’re feeling like your role as a caregiver is starting to take a toll on your mental or physical health, it might be time to consider looking into support or transitioning your loved one into a care residence. Making this decision will ensure your loved one is always supervised and in the presence of highly skilled individuals who have the right knowledge and training to tend to their needs.

  2. Feeling unable to prioritize your own needs
    At the end of the day, we want to make sure we are balancing needs, including those of our loved ones, as well as our own. If your average day-to-day involves a to-do list that seems never-ending and there is difficulty making time for yourself, then you might benefit from receiving support. Ask yourself, are you having a hard time managing your day-to-day responsibilities? Do you have any free time to yourself? Is it becoming increasingly hard to tend to all the needs of your loved one? If you answered yes to most of these questions, then it might be the right time to consider long-term or retirement care as an option. 

  3. Your loved one requires specialized care
    The role of a caregiver becomes that much more complex when a loved one requires a specialized form of care. When looking after someone that requires special attention, you’ll need to do a lot of learning to ensure you’re taking all the right steps as a caregiver, which could also include frequent check-ins with various healthcare professionals. What’s great about long-term care and retirement care residences is that there’s usually a team of well-trained staff that have a perfect understanding of how to care for individuals with complex needs, as well as how to create a safe and accessible space for them. Also, most residences will have access to specialized equipment or medical tools, along with a team of trained professionals who can provide specialized healthcare services when required. 

  4. Greater sense of community
    Residences have a unique aspect of community that can be very fun and exciting for residents. From meeting new people and establishing connections with other residents who might be experiencing something similar, to participating in events or activities from a well-thought-out social calendar, there’s always something going on to keep residents entertained. Overall, long-term care residents get to become a part of a huge community that involves other residents, staff members, and volunteers. Being in the presence of this group of people can help residents feel a strong sense of belonging while uplifting those who might have negative feelings about experiencing a decline in health.
Empowering residents and caregivers 

As a caregiver, there’s a lot to consider before making the decision to transition a loved one into a long-term care or retirement care residence. There are several benefits for both the resident and caregiver that can come from making this transition. For the most part, residents can look forward to becoming a part of a community where they feel empowered to live life to its fullest potential and being around a huge support system with people from all walks of life who truly understand what they’re going through. For caregivers, knowing that your loved one is in good hands and enjoying themselves within a supportive environment can provide a huge sense of satisfaction and relief. 

Our mission and values at Omni

At Omni, our passion is people. Whether you are connected to us through residency, family, as a team member, or through our expanding community, you are the driving force behind our everyday care. As we evolve in our brand and in our ability to serve more residents across Eastern Canada, we are proud to announce Omni’s rebrand into Omni Quality Living, complete with a new website and social media. 

Creating a supportive atmosphere is integral to our longevity and core beliefs as a company. Our ability to provide exceptional care and quality living while fostering a beautiful and growing community stems from our upheld mission and values centred in care and compassion. As this rebrand brings new ways to communicate and flourish, we want to take the opportunity to reiterate our daily mission and guiding values that brought us to this incredible milestone and will continue to drive our care.

Our Mission

Supporting each unique individual we care for to experience hope, purpose and belonging.

To experience hope, purpose and belonging in health care is the foundation of everything we strive for. It is reflected in our work, goals and motivation. In Hope, we find the promise of a brighter tomorrow. In Purpose, we give each day meaning by touching and changing the lives of others. And in Belonging, we share a sense of oneness, of community with our residents, families and team members. Together, these qualities form a bond that link us and strengthen us, defining the mission that distinguishes our unique approach to health care.

Our Values

Integrity: We strive to achieve an optimal experience for our residents, families, team members, and community. Each team member is expected to bring the most honest representation of their skills and abilities to provide the best care experience available, always.

Compassion: Understanding that each resident and each home has unique needs and experiences, we take a compassionate approach to every interaction with residents, families, and team members. Not only caring for, but also caring about, is a key aspect of excellence across the organization.

Inclusiveness: Diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the core of who we are.Our commitment to these values is unwavering and is central to our mission and impact in our communities. Recognizing and respecting the uniqueness of individuals is part of what builds our vibrant, joyful, and diverse communities. 

Curiosity: Encouraging curiosity across the organization is key to supporting staff to continually incorporate new and innovative care approaches. Our commitment to boosting knowledge creates a dynamic environment. Curiosity generates forward thinking, builds knowledge, and brings a sense of adventure and fun into our operations. 

Resilience: Health care is constantly evolving and facing new challenges. We will navigate these obstacles and opportunities with flexibility, strength, and perseverance. We will do so with the culture of kindness and personal attention being nurtured in each of our homes.  

The opportunity to create a place for our residents to call home, in every sense of the word, is a privilege that we do not take lightly. At Omni, we pride ourselves in operating under values that exude love, care, and compassion. We remind ourselves of our mission statement each day, because it is the true driving force behind our quality care. The stories of life and laughter that we curate within the communities at each Omni residence reminds us that our values are being put into action. We continue to operate every ounce of Omni with integrity, compassion, inclusivity, curiosity, and resilience — and we do so proudly. 

Introducing a new look at Omni

As we evolve in our brand and in our ability to serve more residents across Eastern Canada, we are proud to announce Omni’s rebrand into Omni Quality Living, complete with a new website and social media. 

Creating a supportive atmosphere and an optimal experience for our residents, families, team members, and community, we are committed to providing exceptional care and quality living. This rebrand is more than just a digital transformation, but a step towards making the journey of long-term care and retirement care seamless and accessible for all current and future residents.  

Change isn’t always easy — but often brings opportunity. We have the privilege of being a part of people’s lives in impactful ways, and we do not take that lightly. Creating an upgraded digital presence that provides a clear picture of our services, values, and dedication to exceptional care is a change that we welcome with open arms. 

With any significant change can come questions about the future. This rebrand, though a sign of positive change and forward momentum, does not majorly alter our exceptional everyday care. Outside of rebranding Omni, we do not intend to change the resident experience, quality of programs, supply chain or existing supplier relationships, or our involvement in the communities that our residences are located. 

Here is what you can expect to see in the rebrand of Omni Quality Living:

  • An updated website, complete with simple navigation
  • Prioritization of digital accessibility
  • Our mission, vision, and values clearly stated in our digital presence
  • An emphasis on Omni’s promise to provide exceptional care throughout any stage of a resident’s journey
  • New ways to keep residents, families, and team members informed
  • A community-centric social media presence
  • Communication about Omni news, services, and updates in the ways that work best for you

Each resident and each home have unique needs and experiences. All interactions with residents, families, and team members are approached with compassion. Our passion is people. The purpose of this rebrand is to make these core values clear and accessible through effective communication. 

With change also comes incredible growth. If you are reading this update, it is because you are an integral part of the vast community that Omni is so proud of. Whether you are a resident, family member, team member, supplier, or more, your involvement is what motivates us to continue learning, growing, and caring with compassion at the center of every action.